14 192 153 Cases
483 249 Contracts
622 968 Users
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1229 / 2000
Sawed-Off | The Kraken NaN₽
AWP | Wildfire NaN₽
MP7 | Cirrus NaN₽
AUG | Contractor NaN₽
Dual Berettas | Anodized Navy NaN₽
Items in the case
Specialist Gloves | Emerald Web NaN₽
Sport Gloves | Nocts NaN₽
M4A4 | Desert-Strike NaN₽
AWP | Wildfire NaN₽
Sawed-Off | The Kraken NaN₽
Stiletto Knife | Slaughter NaN₽
FAMAS | Roll Cage NaN₽
AK-47 | Wasteland Rebel NaN₽
M4A1-S | Mecha Industries NaN₽
M4A4 | Hellfire NaN₽
M4A1-S | Nightmare NaN₽
XM1014 | Entombed NaN₽
Sticker | Chief NaN₽
CZ75-Auto | Pole Position NaN₽
CZ75-Auto | Red Astor NaN₽
MP9 | Rose Iron NaN₽
P90 | Chopper NaN₽
SG 553 | Triarch NaN₽
P250 | Wingshot NaN₽
Desert Eagle | Directive NaN₽
Tec-9 | Blast From the Past NaN₽
P250 | Hive NaN₽
XM1014 | VariCamo Blue NaN₽
MP7 | Cirrus NaN₽
P90 | Teardown NaN₽
Sawed-Off | Zander NaN₽
Dual Berettas | Anodized Navy NaN₽
P90 | Leather NaN₽
Dual Berettas | Switch Board NaN₽
P2000 | Grassland NaN₽
M4A4 | Urban DDPAT NaN₽
SCAR-20 | Storm NaN₽
R8 Revolver | Canal Spray NaN₽
MAC-10 | Urban DDPAT NaN₽
AUG | Contractor NaN₽
Dual Berettas | Colony NaN₽