14 165 911 Cases
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Desert Eagle | Directive NaN₽
Galil AR | Dusk Ruins NaN₽
AK-47 | Rat Rod NaN₽
P2000 | Handgun NaN₽
Dual Berettas | Urban Shock NaN₽
Items in the case
AK-47 | Vulcan NaN₽
Shadow Daggers | Night NaN₽
PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis NaN₽
USP-S | Kill Confirmed NaN₽
AWP | Neo-Noir NaN₽
R8 Revolver | Fade NaN₽
Glock-18 | Bullet Queen NaN₽
M4A4 | Tooth Fairy NaN₽
Glock-18 | Water Elemental NaN₽
MAC-10 | Toybox NaN₽
AWP | Redline NaN₽
USP-S | Orion NaN₽
MAC-10 | Pipe Down NaN₽
P2000 | Handgun NaN₽
Glock-18 | Weasel NaN₽
AK-47 | Rat Rod NaN₽
M4A1-S | Nitro NaN₽
CZ75-Auto | Tread Plate NaN₽
Dual Berettas | Urban Shock NaN₽
Sawed-Off | Apocalypto NaN₽
Desert Eagle | Directive NaN₽
AWP | Acheron NaN₽
MP9 | Sand Scale NaN₽
USP-S | Torque NaN₽
Galil AR | Dusk Ruins NaN₽
MAC-10 | Aloha NaN₽
P2000 | Red FragCam NaN₽
M249 | Humidor NaN₽
SCAR-20 | Storm NaN₽
PP-Bizon | Bamboo Print NaN₽
P90 | Storm NaN₽
MP7 | Scorched NaN₽